Low-income families and great Americans I still say it's one of the greatest phases i've ever lived in my life. 低收入家庭 以及伟大的美国人我现在仍然认为 这是我生命中最好的时期之一 These buildings some of the greatest leaders and tea
TED演讲之入门 用前所未有的好方法诠释数字统计(4)
Let me make a comparison directly between the United States of America and Vietnam. 现在我们对比一下美国和越南。 1964. America had small families and long life; Vietnam had large families and short lives. 1964年的美国家
Ted英语演讲: 活本来很简单 我们干嘛把它搞得这么艰难?
泰国农民Jon Jandai用另一种视角看待生活,生活本来很简单,我们干嘛要把它搞得这么艰难? Jon Jandai: Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard? 生活本来很简单,我们干嘛要把它搞得这么艰难? There is one word that I have always wanted to say to everybody in my life.
"I'm Skinny But I'm Tough"
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you, Lordstown. (Applause.) Thank you, guys. It is good to be back in Ohio. (Applause.) And it's good to be at one of GM's flagship plants with all of you. (Applause.)
名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(15)
What do they mean when they say that it's a choice? 当这些人说"同性恋是个选择"的时候,他们想表达什么? This is one of those places where the orientation-activity distinction actually comes in handy. 在这种情况下,&quo