On Friday, I traveled to Ft. Stewart in Georgia to meet with soldiers from the Third Infantry Division. These men and women have fought with bravery and honor in some of the most dangerous places on t
第一夫人演讲 "厨师进学校"2
And we’re also working on the other end of the spectrum. There’s food, and there’s movement. That’s what the “Let’s Move!” piece is about. We need to make sur
Obama奥巴马在柏林胜利柱前吸引20万德国人的演讲,伟大的演讲,可能将名留史册的经典演说,遣词用句都非常精彩。 "A World That Stands as One" As Prepared For Delivery Berlin, Germany July 24th, 2008 Thank you to the citizens of Berlin and to the people of
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