TED演讲之身体语言 改变荒漠现状,扭转气候变化(1)
The most massive tsunami perfect storm is bearing down upon us. 这场最强大的、完美海啸风暴正在击垮我们。 This perfect storm is mounting a grim reality, increasingly grim reality, 这场完美风暴(指独立发生时没有危险性,但同时发生时会带来灾难性后果的事件组合)正在
President Obama: Well, I just had the opportunity to have an excellent conversation with President-elect Trump. It was wide-ranging. We talked about some of the organizational issues in setting up the
$18 billion. That’s what Wall Street bankers pulled down in bonuses over the past two months, according to a report from the New York State comptroller -- even as many of these institutions rece
Julian Treasure在Ted的英语演讲:声音影响我们的4种方式
声音(sound)无时无刻不影响着我们的情绪,大家有注意我们身边的声音吗?Julian Treasure在TED发表演讲《The 4 ways sound affects us声音影响我们的4种方式》,主讲人Julian Treasure谈到我们所熟知的例子:经典的诺基亚铃声,代表和谐的鸟鸣……想了解更多关于声音的秘密?来这看看吧!大多数围绕我们的声音是偶然的、许多声音
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