So I'm banging out my story and I know it's good, 我要大声地说出我的故事,我知道很好笑 and then I start to make it better - by adding an element of embellishment. 为了让故事更生动我会加点油、添点醋, Reporters call this "ma
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President Bush Meets with Economic Team
October 11, 2007 THE PRESIDENT: Just had a meeting with members of my economic team -- and I thank you all for coming. I particularly want to thank Director of the OMB Jim Nussle for his briefing on t
名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(1)
You can’t say it, but you know it is true. 你们不会这么说,但你们知道这是真的。 Good evening everybody. 大家晚上好。 It is an honor to be here at my last, and perhaps the last White House correspondents’ dinner. 很高兴来到我最后一次也可
TED演讲之身体语言 别让欺凌掩盖了你的美丽(6)
To this day, he is a stick of TNT lit from both ends, could describe to you in detail the way the sky bends in the moment before it's about to fall, 今天,他就像是一根TNT炸药桶,两端都被点燃了,他会告诉你,当天空开始坠落时天空将会如何的扭曲弯折,