I was blown away. Here is a young guy who has every reason to be cynical. 我被震撼到了。这个本该是个完全可以愤世嫉俗的年轻人。 He wasn't sure if the country he calls home—the only one he's known—was gonna deny him his dream of
President Bush Meets with National Governors Association
February 25, 2008 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. I'm supposed to stall, to wait for the press corps. (Laughter.) Chairman, thanks. Let me see your book there, will you? Mr. Vice Chairman, thank y
President Bush Attends World Economic Forum
May 18, 2008 THE PRESIDENT: Klaus, thank you very much. Thanks for inviting me. Klaus said, it's about time you showed up. Proud to be here. Laura and I are so honored that, Klaus, you gave us a chanc
Joi Ito在Ted英语演讲:想要创新?---就成为“现在学家”
Joi Ito在Ted英语演讲:想要创新?---就成为“现在学家”(中英双语+) On March 10, 2011, I was in Cambridge at the MIT Media Lab meeting with faculty, students and staff, and we were trying to figure out whether I sho
奥巴马演讲 主持召开非洲青年领袖大会2
Now, no one should have to pay a bribe to get a job or to get government to provide basic services. So as part of our development strategy, we’re emphasizing transparency, accountability, and a