美国经典英文演讲100篇:Brandenburg Gate Address(6)
In Europe, only one nation and those it controls refuse to join the community of freedom. Yet in this age of redoubled economic growth, of information and innovation, the Soviet Union faces a choice:
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《国际英文演讲高手指导》 :用你的语言改变你的人生 精辟的演讲技巧为你揭开演讲之迷,从此踏上成功的演讲之路!商务演讲发掘在商界纵横捭阖,做一个出色的企业家必须具备的语言能力,展示企业家的风范!国家领导人经典演讲说出最代表中国国情的英语,介绍中国,传播文明!政治演讲了解政治演讲的风格,学习伟大政治家的演讲风范!把听众引入正确的位置深层挖掘演讲技巧,用精彩绝伦的语言套牢听众的视线、精神与灵魂。 Sec
I was born in Switzerland and raised in Ghana, West Africa. 我出生在瑞士,在西非的加纳长大。 Ghana felt safe to me as a child. 加纳对儿时的我是安全的家。 I was free, I was happy. 我很自由快乐。 The early 70s marked a time of musical and
Hello, everybody. This past week, we lost an American icon and one of the most influential figures of her time – former First Lady Nancy Reagan. Born in New York City, and raised mostly in Chicago, Na