励志演讲 :信息技术的力量(8)
Consider that across Europe Internet sales of about one billion dollars last year are projected to reach 30 billion dollars by the year 2001. One study says that the worldwide Internet commerce activi
奥巴马演讲:Put People Ahead of Insurance Companies
Moving Forward to Put the American People Ahead of Insurance Companies Today the President made it exceedingly clear that he intends to move forward on reform to put Americans in control of their heal
Ryan Holladay在Ted英语演讲:想听音乐,一定要亲临现场!
Ryan Holladay:To Hear This Music you have to be there literally 莱恩·哈雷德: 想听音乐,一定要亲临现场! 音乐产业常常在数码时代举步维艰。在这个有趣的演讲中,Ryan Holladay告诉我们,他为什么要尝试他所说的“位置感知型音乐”。完成这个编程和音乐上的壮举需要上百个地理标记过的音乐片段,而
I really didn’t know what to do for a few months. 在最初的几个月里,我真是不知道该做些 什么。 I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down – that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me
Ted英语演讲:环境 重造计划:斯图尔特·伯兰特:关于环保的四个"异端观点"
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