名人演讲:J.K. Rowling2008年在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲part6
Unlike any other creature on this planet, humans can learn and understand, without having experienced. They can think themselves into other people's minds, imagine themselves into other people's place
I want to talk today about 今天我所要讲的是 I've been asked to take the long view, 他们让我谈谈长远的观点 and I'm going to tell you what I think are the three biggest problems for humanity from this long point o
Finally -- Finally, number five: there are a whole number of creators of content who don't receive fair compensation, 最后--最后,第五点:有许多内容的创造者并没有得到公平的报酬, because the system for intellectual property is br
TED演讲之神童 如果我有一个女儿…(9)
I'd like to close with this poem. 我想以此诗来做结束。 When they bombed Hiroshima, the explosion formed a mini-supernova, so every living animal, human or plant that received direct contact with the rays from t
This ability to make copies of DNA, as simple as it sounds, has transformed our world. DNA的这种复制能力听起来很简单,却改变了我们的世界。 Scientists use it every day to detect and address disease, to create innovative medic