TED演讲之说什么 语言如何改变人类(11)
Now think of the absurdity of this situation. 现在试想下这种奇怪的状况: If 27 individuals from those 27 member states sat around table, speaking their 23 languages, 如果27个来自各个盟国的人围坐在桌边,说着23种语言 some very simple mat
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I think what all these masters knew is that by hiding the source, you create a sense of mystery. 我认为这些大师都懂得通过隐藏声音来源,来创造神秘的感觉。 This has been seen in cinema over and over, with Hitchcock, and Ridley Sco
Wind turbines are cool. You're going to love them 风力发电机很酷 你们会爱上它们 They'll be a source of pride 它们将是自豪的来源 The solar cell that powers my never winded watch 为我这块不用上发条的手表提供电能 Is around 10% efficie
Keynote Speech by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the Welcoming Gala Luncheon in New Zealand
李克强总理在新西兰各界欢迎宴会上的演讲(中英对照版) 让中新友谊与合作开创更多新的第一 Create More ‘Firsts’ in China-New Zealand Friendship and Cooperation ——在新西兰各界欢迎宴会上的演讲 – Keynote Speech at the Welcoming Gala Luncheon in New Zealand 中华人民共和国