14 years ago, I gave a commencement speech at another New Jersey school. 14年前,我在新泽西的另一所学校做了一场毕业演讲。 Through the magic of Google search, I was able to do a "back to the future moment," 通过谷歌搜索的
奥巴马演讲 这是十年中选举后最多产的时期3
Dan Lothian.Q Thank you, Mr. President, and happy holidays.THE PRESIDENT: Happy holidays.Q Can you give us an update on that car that you talk about so much about being in the ditch? Can you give us a
Ramsey Musallam在Ted演讲: 激发学生学习兴趣的3条黄金法则
"受一个生死悠关的大手术的启发,化学老师Ramsey Musallam终于从10年的“伪教学”中解脱出来,并明白了教育工作者的真正的职责在于激发学生的好奇心。在这个有趣和很有个性的演讲中,Musalam为我们列出了唤醒学生想象力、激发学生学习兴趣和引导学生探索世界的三条黄金法则。 Ramsey Musallam: 3 rules to spark learning
两年精通一门外语,会8门外语以上的多语言者Ted分享,学习一门新语言的秘诀。 Lýdia Machová: The secrets of learning a new language 学习一门新语言的秘诀 I love learning foreign languages. In fact, I love it so much that I like to learn
But it is clear that the vast majority of enterprise customers will continue to have mixed environments. They will use PCs and mainframes Windows NT and UNIX and they will look to their IT partners to