TED演讲之入门 用前所未有的好方法诠释数字统计(3)
So this is what I could display here. 那么一起来看看。 I put fertility rate here: number of children per woman: one, two, three, four, up to about eight children per woman. X轴是生育率,每个妇女的育儿数,从每人1,2,3,4胎到8胎。 We
I can tell you, I am truly grateful to now have my own degree from USC, 我可以告诉你们,现在我有了自己的南加州大学学位,我对此真的很感激, and I cherish this honor as well as the opportunity to speak to you. 我很珍惜这份荣誉,也很珍惜这次和你们讲话的机会。
Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :推特的诞生
So, just random contract jobs until 所以,我一直在打零工 I discovered this company called Odeo, 直到我找到了一家叫奥德奥的公司 which was run by Evan Williams. 它是埃文·威廉姆斯经营的 Biz Stone was joining in a few months. 比孜·斯通几个月后也加入了进
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You know, 你知道, as a parent with the privilege 作为一名有着抚养女儿 of raising a daughter 义务的父亲, like all of you who are doing the same thing, 我跟你们所有为人父母的人一样, we find this world and this statistic very alarming