It will be my sincere and constant desire to observe toward the Indian tribes within our limits a just and liberal policy, 我真诚和长久地希望对在我们的限制之内的印第安部落奉行一个公正和宽容的政策。 and to give that humane and considerate
TED演讲之败中求胜 不要一悔再悔(11)
So how are we supposed to live with this? 那我们怎么才能面对悔恨? I want to suggest that there's three things that help us to make our peace with regret. 我想提三点建议来让我们平和地面对后悔。 And the first of these is to take som
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Tony Robbins是美国的自救作者和激励演讲家。他通过他的电视购物节目和自助书籍,唤醒无数人内心沉睡的巨人,他教会人们如何克服恐惧、有说服力的沟通并几改善人们之间的关系。 (Applause) Thank you. I have to tell you I'm both challenged and excited. My excitement is: I get a chance to g
"Help me, Dad." 爸爸,救我! Those were the last words spoken by Kate Steinle as she lay dying on a San Francisco pier 这是凯特·斯坦勒的临终遗言,她的生命终结在了旧金山的一处码头 a precious young American woman killed in the prime of h