Weekly Address: Reaching a Comprehensive and Long-Term Deal on Iran’s Nuclear Program(April 04, 2015) 奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁促成全面伊朗核协议计划 This week, together with our allies and partners, we reached an hi
Now you laugh, but that quote has kind of a sting to it, right? 你觉得好笑,但是那句话有些刺痛,对吧。 And I think the reason it has a sting 我认为它有刺的原因 is because thousands of years of history don't reverse themselves wi
National Mentoring Month, 2009 (2008-12-30)
A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America During National Mentoring Month, we recognize the millions of individuals who dedicate themselves to making a difference in the lives of
TED演讲之身体语言 4D打印机的诞生(2)
So I'd like to propose that we can combine those two worlds, that we can combine the world of the nanoscale programmable adaptive materials and the built environment. 所以我建议把这两个世界结合起来,把纳米级上可程序化、能自我调节的材
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