奥巴马演讲:Budgeting for a New Era of Responsibility
Earlier today, President Obama discussed the 2011 budget, reflecting on the challenges for the country and the steps the administration is taking to meet them. While acknowledging that the inherited $
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And in a lot of ways, this is how you would master a lot of things in life. 在很多方面,这也是掌握新技能的一种途径。 It's the way you would learn a martial art. 好比学习武术。 In a martial art, you would practice the white belt
Your parents would appreciate that about, now. The point is, your generation is charged with this task of breaking through. 你们的父母此时会很欣赏这种做法关键在于你们这一代人肩负着 What the body politic has thus far made impervi