美国经典英文演讲100篇:"Television and the Public Interest"
Newton N. Minow Television and the Public Interest delivered 9 May 1961, National Association of Broadcasters, Washington, DC Governor Collins, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Governor Col
奥巴马演讲 开发清洁能源 改变世界
Hi. I’m speaking with you today from the Allison Transmissions plant in Indianapolis, Indiana. I came here because this is a place where American workers are doing some big and impressive things
美国20世纪最伟大的演讲46Margaret Sanger - The Morality of Birth Control
Margaret SangerDelivered 18 November 1921, Park Theatre, NY The meeting tonight is a postponement of one which was to have taken place at the Town Hall last Sunday evening. It was to be a culmination
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This morning the President took a tour of Ernest Maier Block, a family business in Maryland. Speaking afterwards, he said, “These are the guys that build serious stuff – concrete blocks, bricks for wa