TED演讲之神奇奥秘 奥利弗·萨克斯:幻觉背后的心智(7)
Around 1970, it was found that there were not only parts of the brain, but particular cells. 1970年左右,人们发现特化的不是一块区域,而是相应的脑细胞。 "Face cells" were discovered around 1970. And now we know that there are hu
当地时间2012年9月6日晚,美国总统奥巴马在北卡罗来纳夏洛特举行的民主党全国代表大会上发表演讲,宣布接受民主党的总统候选人提名,发表演讲的全集及英语演讲稿,称全力争取击败共和党的竞争对手罗姆尼,取得连任。民主党全国代表大会6日正式提名奥巴马与拜登为正副总统候选人。Transcript of Obama's speech at the DNC奥巴马接受提名英语演讲稿: Michelle, I lo
TED演讲之幕后揭秘 桑迪·牛顿:拥抱他人,拥抱自己(3)
And at 16, I stumbled across another opportunity, and I earned my first acting role in a film. 当我16岁时,我无意中遇到另一个机遇,得到了我的第一个电影角色。 I can hardly find the words to describe the peace I felt when I was acti
励志演讲 :未来的路(7)
Something similar happened again in 1997 but by then the banks had learned to securitize their loans so they could not be forced into a collective system of lending and most of the losses had to be ta