TED演讲之身体语言 4D打印机的诞生(3)
In three dimensions, we did a project last year at TED Global with Autodesk and Arthur Olson where we looked at autonomous parts -- so individual parts not pre-connected that can come together on thei
Ted英语演讲:on Mooallem:关于泰迪熊的奇怪故事以及它所揭示的人与动物之间的关系
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TED演讲之说什么 单词的诞生(10)
We call this a co-viewing clique, a virtual living room if you will. 我们称之为共视团体,你可以把它当成一个虚拟的客厅 And there are fascinating dynamics at play. It's not one way. 这里头上演着引人注目的戏剧。它不是单向的 A piece of content, an
励志演讲 :计算让生命有意义的事情(11)
This is Dave Arringdale who's actually been a longtime guest at Vivian's motel. He stayed there a hundred times in the last 20 years, and he's loyal to the property because of the relation
The distinction between the happiness of the experiencing self 近年来,经验自我的快乐 and the satisfaction of the remembering self has been recognized in recent years, 和记忆自我的满足的差异性已能分清, and there are now efforts