Our country is currently facing a crisis of illegal immigration on our southern border. 我们的国家现正面临着南部边境非法移民危机。 Democrat-supported loopholes in our federal laws 民主党支持联邦法律中的一些漏洞。 have enabled roughly hal
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And, furthermore, when skeletal muscle is injured, that's what causes chemokines -- these signals saying, 此外,当骨骼肌受伤时,会导致趋化因子——这些信号说: "Cancer, you can come to me," the "go signs" for the tumors -- it c
Following one of the most controversial presidential elections in United States history, newly elected president George W. Bush gave the following inaugural address on January 20, 2001, in Washington,
And that's how the People's Convoy was born. 因此“人民的保卫”诞生了。 It was a global crowdfunding campaign to enable IDA to rebuild a whole new children's hospital, 这是众筹平台的一个项目,让IDA重建一座新的儿童医院, and, if successfu