President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Sócrates of Portugal
September 17, 2007 THE PRESIDENT: It has been my honor to welcome the Prime Minister of a steady ally and a good friend to the Oval Office. Not only does Prime Minister Sócrates represent a clo
President Bush Participates in Video Teleconference with Iraq Provincial Reconst
THE PRESIDENT: I've just finished a meeting with our Ambassador, and General Odierno, members of our -- some of the PRTs, Provincial Reconstruction Teams, in Iraq, for folks who have been spending tim
5分钟英语演讲稿:My Schedule
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TED演讲之现在或永不 能让你多出10年额外寿命的游戏(11)
So, the average life expectancy in the U.S. and the U.K. is 78.1 years, 美国和英国的平均年龄是78.1岁, but we know from more than 1,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies that you can add 10 years of life by boostin
President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with
July 30, 2007 11:46 A.M. EDT PRESIDENT BUSH: Welcome, thank you. It's good to have you here. So everybody is wondering whether or not the Prime Minister and I were able to find common ground, to get a