5月9日的中美战略与经济对话欢迎晚宴上,希拉里和美国财长盖特纳分别致欢迎辞。希拉里的讲话中引用了不少中国成语,精通中文的盖特纳还在直接用中文说了一句“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”。这里是演讲原稿和附有现场交传的。 Good evening, everyone. Good evening and welcome to the Benjamin Franklin Room here
However, that is simply not enough. 但是,这完全不够。 And I think what Herbie said-please listen, listen. 我在想Herbie的话,请听一听。 We have to listen to ourselves, first of all. 首先,我们必须聆听我们自己。 If I play, for example,
And then we decided to take New York as a test case, 后来我们决定拿纽约做实验案例, and we looked at Lower Manhattan. 研究曼哈顿下城。 And we mapped all the building area in Manhattan. 我们画出曼哈顿建筑区的地图。 On the left is Manhatta
TED演讲之神童 音乐神童黄凱珉小提琴表演技惊四座(3)
At first, I thought I was just going to be here to perform, but unexpectedly, I learned and enjoyed much more. 起初,我以为我到这里来只是为了表演,我没有想到是,我却学到和得到更多的东西, But ... although some of the talks were quite up t
And we believe that these responses in higher-order areas are induced or become similar across listeners 我们认为,听众这些相似的大脑高层次区块反应, because of the meaning conveyed by the speaker, and not by words or soun