Getting teary for you all, and getting teary for myself. I consider today a defining milestone in a very long and an bless journey. 为你们 也为我自己喜极而泣我认为 今天是一段漫长美好的旅途中的一个标志性里程碑 My one hope today is that I
TED演讲:大爱无疆 爱本无条件(6)
I'm going to quote from another magazine of the'60s. 我要去引述1960年代,另一家杂志刊载的话。 This one is from 1968-The Atlantic Monthly, voice of liberal America-written by an important bioethicist. 这是1968 年出版
That's the unique sense of purpose that this place has always infused 这是这个地方一直灌输的独特目的观 The conviction that this is a training ground 这是一个训练场 Not only for individual success 目的不仅是训练你取得个人成就 But for
But, what's the problem with all of this? 但是, 所有的这些表现的问题是什么呢? Well, surely we want our kids to grow up as healthy, well balanced individuals. 我们当然希望我们的孩子成长为一个健康、均衡发展的个人。 But in an image-obsessed c
And if you do all of this, then I am confident 我坚信 只要能够做到所有这些 that you will uphold that duty 你们必将履行好职责 and write your own chapter into the legacy of this great university 并在这所伟大学校的历史上写下自己崭新的篇章 And let