And what that allows you to do though is to connect directly with literally millions of people On the internet, you can read what each other's reading 毫不夸张 这为你们提供了直接同数百万人直接建立联系提供了可能性互联网上 你可以读别人所读的
TED演讲:大爱无疆 爱本无条件(10)
If I hadn't gone to Ohio State and crossed paths with Tom,this child wouldn't have existed and this terrible thing wouldn't have happened. 如果我没有到俄亥俄州立大学,没遇见汤姆,这个孩子就不会存在,这可怕的惨案就不会发生。 But I&
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But if you ask about their education, they pin you to the wall. 但如果你要他们谈谈他们的受教育经历,他们会把你“钉到墙上”。 Because it's one of those things that goes deep with people, am I right? 因为这些事情都涉及个人的隐私,对吗? Like religion