The word concussion evokes a fear these days more so than it ever has, and I know this personally. “脑震荡”一词从未引起过如此之大的恐慌,我自己也患过脑震荡, I played 10 years of football, was struck in the head thousands of tim
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Remarks by the President on the Monthly Jobs NumbersSouth Driveway11:03 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: All right. Good morning, everybody. On what seems like a daily basis, we’re barraged(以密集炮火攻击) with
We at the IMF are celebrating International Women’s Day today. And I would like to share this moment with you to tell you that, at the IMF, we are trying to focus on women’s issues: making sure that e
But, someone might argue, that's natural beauty. 但有人也许会争辩,那是自然美。 How about artistic beauty? Isn't that exhaustively cultural? 艺术的美又如何呢?那难道不是纯粹的文化影响吗? No, I don't think it is. And once again, I'd like