US President'sspeech on American economic future (August 6,2005) THE PRESIDENT: To grow the economy and help American families, we acted by passing the largest tax relief in a generation. And today, t
Hillary Clinton's Concession Speech 2016
政治演讲特辑之二:希拉里败选演讲 Hillary Clinton's Concession Speech 2016 Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you all very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Very rowdy group. Thank you, my fri
奥巴马演讲:Assessing the BP Oil Spill Response
President Obama says that the Gulf Coast Florida is still open for vacationers and reiterates his Administration’s commitment to helping the area deal with the consequences of the Deepwater BP Oil Spi
娜塔莉波特曼哈佛大学演讲 4
In all seriousness, I believed everyone of them, their bearing and self-confidence alone seemed proof of their prophecy where I couldn't shake my self-doubt. 认真来说,我相信他们每一个人,他们的态度和自信本身就足以证明他们的预言。而我
Remarks by The President on Health Care...
REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTON HEALTH CAREAND THE SENATE VOTE ON F-22 FUNDING THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Before I talk about the progress we’re making on health insurance reform, I wa