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That thing doesn't exist in the world. 世界上不存在这种革命。 Whenever you see young people in front of the road trying to fraternize with the police or military, 如果你看到年轻人在接上态度友好的和警察或者军队交涉, somebody was thin
英语演讲稿-01 What is friendship? It is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. It is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship , no matter what their background , age , *** or p
I've been acting since I was 11. 我从11岁起就在演戏。 But I thought acting was too frivolous and certainly not meaningful. 但我认为演戏是轻佻且无意义的。 I came from a family of academics and was very concerned of being take