Hello, my friends, and happy International Women's Day. Sophie and I are proud feminists and are raising our daughter and our sons to believe that an equal world is a better and more powerful world. T
TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(10)
I think there are probably three key points here. 我认为有三个关键问题。 The first one is about the stories that we tell ourselves. 第一个关键是我们对自己的认识。 For so long, I told myself that I couldn't have an adventure be
TED撩人幻象:格林耍宝 近景纸牌魔术
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And we use words, slippery words, like algorithm. 我们使用词汇,花哨的词汇,比如说算法这个词。 Okay, now if you hear someone use the word 'algorithm', 如果你听到有人用“算法”这个词, and they're not a mathematics professor or a computer
奥巴马演讲 引领美国经济朝正确方向发展2
Because of you, we’ve been able to get a lot done over the last 20 months. Together, we’re jumpstarting a new American clean energy industry -- an industry with the potential to generate p