Everybody talks about happiness these days. 最近大家都在谈论着快乐。 I had somebody count the number of books with "happiness" in the title published in the last five years 在过去的五年里,我请人数了近年来有多本书的书名中提到“快乐”, and the
TED演讲之入门 用前所未有的好方法诠释数字统计(5)
We heard it in other forms. And who are these? Where are the different countries? 这是个老问题了。中间这些人是谁?他们在哪些国家? I can show you Africa. This is Africa. 10% the world population, most in poverty. 先看非洲。非洲占世界人
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Design -- I love its design. I remember when I was little, my mom asked me, "Would you like to play the violin or the piano?" 设计—我喜欢小提琴的设计。我记得我小的时候,我妈妈问我,你是喜欢拉小提琴还是弹钢琴? I looked at that giant monster
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