Weekly Address: This Labor Day, Lets Talk About the Budget (September 05, 2015) 奥巴马每周电视讲话:劳动节谈论预算问题 Hello, everybody. I hope most of you are gearing up for a long weekend with family and friends - may
This is precisely what you have been doing here at IIT. 这正是你们在伊利诺伊理工大学所做的事情。 You have taken a financial risk -- or maybe not you, maybe your parents -- by attending this great university. 来这所伟大学府求学,你们
每天读一点英文之那些激励我前行的英语演讲 04:布什总统告别演说 THE President: Fellow citizens: For eight years, it has been my honor to serve as your President. The first decade of this new century has been a period of consequence
TED演讲之伟大预言 汉斯·罗素林:东方崛起(2)
And I will now, here, onstage, try to predict when that will happen -- 现在,我,将在这个台上, that Asia will regain its dominant position as the leading part of the world, as it used to be, over thousands of ye
President Bush Attends Council of the Americas
May 7, 2008 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Please be seated. Bill, thank you for the kind introduction. Thanks for giving me a chance to come by and see that the Secretary of State's dining room is a l