President Obama: Hello, everybody! Welcome to the White House, and give it up for the World Champion, Cleveland Cavaliers! That's right, I said "World Champion" and "Cleveland" in the same sentence. T
英语演讲-01 love has magical power that can exploit people's potential abilities, bring people's positive factors into full play, and provide people with the courage to face trials and hardships, to go
In other words, we need to think more modestly and subtly 换言之,我们得更为谦虚和细致地考虑 about when and how we can shape, rather than control, unpredictable and complex situations. 何时、怎样塑造而不是控制不可预测的复杂情况 It's a lit
Study after study 一个又一个的研究 is coming to the same conclusion. 证实了相同的结论 The CDC recently conducted a survey 疾病防治中心(CDC)最近进行了一次调查 where they asked respondents simply to tell them 他们简单地要求受试者来报告 whether th
Xin nian kuai le! Every year, families and friends come together in the spirit of giving and happiness to celebrate the Lunar New Year. …The monkey signifies intelligence, innovation and enthusiasm. T