Why now? Why has this all of a sudden become a reality, an exciting direction in the future of medicine? 什么是现在?为什么这会突然变成现实,成为未来医疗界令人振奋的方向? What we have is, in a way, a perfect positive storm. 从某种程度上说,
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But if questions affect human well-being 但如果这个问题是影响到人身幸福的 then they do have answers, whether or not we can find them. 他们是有答案的,无论我们找不着得到 And just admitting this -- just admitting that there are right a
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知名毕业演讲特辑之一:哈佛大学史上最震撼毕业演讲 Lift Off By Donovan Livingston "Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin,Is a great equalizer of the conditions of men." – Horace Mann, 1848.At the time of his
奥巴马每日发言To the national governors association(2009-02-23)
Remarks by the President and the Vice President To the national governors association State Dining Room THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Everybody, please have a seat. First of all, thanks for not