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So what we’ve said is let’s make sure that consumers know exactly the kinds of mortgages they're getting. Let’s make sure that they can’t be steered(控制,驾驶) into these balloon-t
Class of 2013 All right. 2013届毕业生们很好 I'm a little bit fork length right now because. 我现在很有些激动因为 It is so good to be back here but just that these hats have now have been in this weird state. 很高兴回到这里但这
So, how about having our cake and eating it... 所以,为什么不干脆坐享其成... with AGI that's not enslaved but treats us well because its values are aligned with ours? 使用非奴役的AGI,因为价值观和我们一致,愿意和我们并肩作战的AGI? This is th