奥巴马演讲:Eulogy for a Lion
REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT EULOGY FOR SENATOR EDWARD M. KENNEDY Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica Roxbury, Massachusetts 12:35 P.M. EDT 本视频转自vimeo.com THE PRESIDENT: Your Eminence, Vicki, Kara, Edward
Your company launches a search for an open position. 你的公司发布了一个公开招聘的职位。 The applications start rolling in, and the qualified candidates are identified. Now the choosing begins. 申请表开始滚滚而来,合格的候选人已被挑选出来。现
Every year, this Christmas party is held for the children of the people living in the Mews of Buckingham Palace. Everyone seems to be enjoying it. Usually, we're lucky with the weather, but tonigh
Speech at the 1st Plenary Session of the 7th Xiangshan Forum by H.E. Liu Zhenmin, Vice Foreign Minis
外交部副部长刘振民在第七届香山论坛第一次全体会议上的发言(中英对照版) 尊敬的会议主席傅莹主任委员, 尊敬的各位来宾,朋友们: Your Excellency Mme. Fu Ying, Distinguished guests, Friends, 很荣幸再次出席香山论坛活动。首先,我谨代表中国外交部对第七届香山论坛的成功开幕表示热烈祝贺。 It’s a great pleasure for me
So everybody needs a sense for the future, and the Afghan sense of the future is shattered. 所以每一个人都要心系未来。阿富汗人未来的观念是非常弱的。 But let me repeat the words of the woman. 但是让我重复一遍那位女士的话。 "Because you have fel