TED演讲之入门 单一故事的危险性(5)
Now, I've laughed every time I've read this. And one must admire the imagination of John Lok. 我每次读到这一段的时候,都不禁大笑起来。John Locke的想象力真的是让人敬佩。 But what is important about his writing is that it represents t
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11月18日,中国国家主席胡锦涛在人民大会堂与首次访华的美国总统奥巴马举行会谈,随后两国元首共同会见了记者。以下是奥巴马总统的致辞全文: [马朝旭]:现在请奥巴马总统致辞。 [奥巴马] 下午好。首先,我要感谢胡主席和中国人民自从我们到达以来对我们的热情款待,昨天我们在上海过了非常好的一天,我们和中国的一些年轻男士、女士们进行了很好的交谈,而且,我还期待着我们还要继续进行讨论以及今后两天我们在北京参
My Attitude towards to Marks 我的分数观 For our students, marks is above everything. Teachers will judge us from our marks. With marks we can be enrolled into junior middle schools. With marks, we can be e
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. One important commitment of the Federal government is to help America's poorest children get access to health care. Most of these children are covered by Medicaid, which w