Men make a thousand sperm every second and to have an effective contraceptive, 每秒中,男性可生产出一千个精子,所以有效的避孕药 you need to get that level of sperm production down to one percent of its normal value. 必须把这个精子生
President's Radio Address
November 24, 2007 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week our Nation celebrated Thanksgiving. American families and friends gathered together to express gratitude for all that we have been given. We gi
DR. BIDEN: Thank you, Patty, for that warm introduction and for all you do for military families, and especially the children. I always love seeing you, and I’m so delighted to see you here today. Tha
Thank you very much 非常感谢 First of all, thank you 首先 谢谢你们 I thank you and Dr. Paula WhetselRibeau 谢谢你们 还有宝拉?威索尔里博博士 Thank you for meeting me outside with your daughter 谢谢你带着你女儿在外面接我 As a father of a gr
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