Good evening, everybody. Please have a seat. On behalf of Michelle and myself, welcome to the White House. This city, this house, has welcomed foreign envoys and leaders for more than two centuries. B
奥巴马演讲 与卡梅伦会晤后答记者问4
Laura Meckler. Q Thank you. Mr. President, in your opening statement you referred to the fact that the British government has been taking some very tough steps towards -- to get their budget in order,
名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(9)
Now, for many of these claims, we don't have to settle the statistical arguments in order to address the arguments. 对于很多这种无端的指责,其实并非每个都需要我们通过统计研究的方法加以辩驳。 Part of the reason for this is that correl
President Bush Honors Colombian Independence Day THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Siéntese. Gracias. Buenos dias. Bienvenidos a la Casa Blanca. (Applause.) I am pleased to welcome you to the gathering of the
They also showed them as very much dead -- unwillingly stripped of their skin. 同样,也可以画得很逼真--被硬剥去外皮。 Disembodied limbs were often posed in literal still lives. 脱离躯干的肢体通常作为静物写生的对象。 And some illustration