And the big thing for me is economic growth, which is not possible without safety and security. 促进经济增长是我的大事,而若缺少安全和保障,经济便难以好转。 We will grow our economy; it is growing already. 我们要发展我们的经济,而现已初见成效。 It w
Like Makoko and the Torre David, 像马卡卡和托雷大卫一样, throughout the Zabbaleen you'll find all the same facilities as in any typical neighborhood. 通过扎巴林你可以发现在任何典型的社区里都完全一样的设施。 There are the retail shops,
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Mrs. Obama this afternoon visited the Department of the Interior, where she spoke about how important it is to protect our natural resources and move towards a clean, sustainable energy future. "
That's by an artist named Disconscious from an album he did called "Hologram Plaza." 这是一位名叫Disconscious的艺术家制作的,在他的专辑《全息广场》中收录。 So if you look that up, you can hear more of those tunes. Vaporwave is mo