President Bush Meets with Parochial Education Leaders and Pa
April 13, 2007 1:45 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Secretary Spellings and I have just had the privilege of talking to some of our country's leading educational entrepreneurs. We had the privilege of talking
Ted英语演讲:The Art of aAsking请求的艺术——Amanda Palmer
我以前并不靠音乐谋生。 自从我五年前 从一所正派的文理学院毕业起 这是我白天的工作。 我是一座个体经营的、名为“8英尺新娘”的活雕像, 我喜欢告诉别人这是我的工作。 因为大家都想知道, 这些怪人在真实生活中到底是什么样的? Amanda Palmer Ted英语演讲:The Art of aAsking请求的艺术 Amanda Palmer: The art o
奥巴马讲话 拉中产阶级一把
Hi, everybody. This week, in my State of the Union Address, I talked about what we can do to make sure middle-class economics helps more Americans get ahead in the new economy. See, after some tough y
And this mobile money is also providing a platform for access to alternative energy. 这项移动支付技术也为获取替代能源提供了一个平台。 You know, people who can now pay for solar the same way they pay for cards for their telep
Ted英语演讲:David Carson:谈设计、探索和幽默
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