TED演讲之神童 青少年探索进行时 (3)
So I was trying to figure all that out, and I felt a little confused, and I said so on my blog, 所以我一直都想弄清楚这是怎么一回事,我感到有些困惑,也有写在博客上。 and I said that I wanted to start a website for teenage girls that wa
奥巴马每周电台演说:Labor Day and Fair Rewards for Hard&n
WEEKLY ADDRESS: President Obama Announces New Initiatives for Retirement Savings WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Barack Obama will announce new steps to make it easier for American fami
It's the good feeling I got 这就是那位老人将我 from being saved from the death trap of the storm drain by the old man, 从雨篦子的“死亡陷阱”中“拯救”出来之后,我得到的那种美妙的感觉; or how I feel like part of a community when I talk to so
奥巴马演讲 在费尔法克斯一家私人庭院的演讲1
THE PRESIDENT: I want to say a special thanks to John and Nicole. Trevor and Olivia are back there. MS. ARMSTRONG: They’re turning the A/C unit off. THE PRESIDENT: Yes, exactly. That’s all
The first day of the experiment, we got out to our plot 实验的第一天,我们来到了实验地点, and a grizzly bear and her cub chased us off. 突然一头灰熊和她的熊宝宝出现,把我们赶跑了。 And I had no bear spray. But you know, this is how forest