I would like to share with you a new model of higher education,a model that, once expanded,can enhance the collective intelligence of millions of creative and motivated individuals that otherwise woul
And trust is established, not by some big institution, 信任的建立并不是基于一些大型机构, but by collaboration, by cryptography and by some clever code. 而是基于合作,基于密码技术和一些精巧的代码。 And because trust is native to the techno
TED演讲之现在或永不 能让你多出10年额外寿命的游戏(4)
"I wish I'd let myself be happier." “我希望我能让自己过得跟快乐些。” Well, here I can't help but think of the groundbreaking clinical trials recently conducted at East Carolina University 的确,我在这里还是帮不上忙,但是想想近来被东卡罗来纳州
本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)(1706-1790)——资本主义精神最完美的代表,十八世纪美国最伟大的科学家和发明家,著名的政治家、外交家、哲学家、文学家和航海家以及美国独立战争的伟大领袖。他一生最真实的写照是他自己所说过的一句话“诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。”他是一位优秀的政治家,是美国独立战争的老战士。
I do not know how to apologise, but I had to do what I had to do this morning because we are trying to resolve what we call the Greek crisis in Europe and I had to spend some hours on that. I would ha