名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(5)
The Bible suggests that those who divorce and remarry should be put to death. 圣经里建议那些离婚之后又再婚的人,应该被处以死刑。 Why? Well because the New Testament defines divorce as adultery; the Old Testament prescribes de
As a professor and mother of three college graduates, I have to confess that I just love commencement ceremonies. 作为一名教授,以及三个大学毕业生的妈妈,我必须承认,我很喜欢毕业典礼。 They are a unique milestone in our lives, because
当地时间5月31日,脱口秀女王奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey) 在哈佛的毕业典礼上为毕业生们献上了一场精彩励志演讲。"There is no such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction." "Oh my goodness! I'
The human vs. the technology, which is more important? 人类和技术 哪个更重要? Almost everyone you out there would say the human but it's very intersting when you get into companies 几乎你们每个人都会说人类可是等你们进了公司就会发现
President's Radio Address(Sept.27,2008)
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This is an extraordinary period for America's economy. Many Americans are anxious about their finances and their future. On Wednesday, I spoke to the Nation, and thanked C