奥巴马每日发言Weekly Address: Health Care Reform Cannot W
Right now in Washington, our Senate and House of Representatives are both debating proposals for health insurance reform. Today, I want to speak with you about the stakes of this debate, for our peopl
And the job-killing Trans Pacific Partnership, and that's why we are pursuing a total renegotiation of NAFTA and if we don't get it, 伤害就业的跨太平洋伙伴协议,也因此,我们正寻求开启北美自由贸易协定的谈判。如果我们不能达成目标, we will terminate
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And that brings me to my second story -- standing up for your values and principles. 下面是我的第二个故事,关于坚持你的价值观及原则。 It does not always work. Let me give you an example. 并不总是奏效的。我给你们举个例子。 I highly highly res
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