President Bush on Deficit Estimate Release
August 23, 2007 Today's deficit estimate release by the Congressional Budget Office is good news for American taxpayers. Like the estimates put forward by the Office of Management and Budget, it shows
I was referred to a psychiatrist, who likewise took a grim view of the voice's presence, 我被转介给精神科医生,有声音这件事被很严肃地看待 subsequently interpreting everything I said through a lens of latent insanity. 所以接
Thank you. Good morning. Thank you. Thank you very much, Major General Padilla. Thank you, all of you. It's a great privilege for me to be able to be here today. I'm delighted to be in the pre
And not to imitate one of your previous Class Day speakers Stephen Colbert, 我不打算效仿你们往届的毕业日演讲人史蒂芬·科拜尔, you know you could construe this as an insult to America. 因为你会把这理解为对美国的冒犯。 I mean we were flying o
So what's that about? 到底怎么回事? It looks like women got some power boost on a video game, 看起来好像女人像是电子游戏里一样得到很多的力量。 or like they snuck in some secret serum into their birth-control pills that lets them s