Here's what we know. We know that the problem begins immediately. Right? 以下是我们所知道的东西。我们知道,问题很快就会来的。对吧? This idea, zero to three. 我们来谈谈婴儿从出生到三岁的变化情况。 My wife, Yvonne, and I, we have four kids, three gr
Facebook首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg Ted演讲:给职场女性的三个建议
Facebook首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg Ted演讲:给职场女性的三个建议,为什么女性领导那么少?是女性不优秀吗?是她们不努力吗?Facebook首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg为职场拼搏的女性提出了三条有力建议,助你从职场小女人变身职场女强人! Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders So for
A big thing that I also think about is accidents. 我也时常想到意外。 And as I said, my mother did not believe in randomness. What is the nature of accidents? 如我所说,我母亲从不相信偶然。那意外又是什么? And how are we going to ass
名人演讲 :同性恋与道德的关系(20)
In the simple act of saying "his partner, Mark," not "his friend," or not "his roommate." 她的话非常简单:"他的爱人马克",她没有说"他的朋友"或者"他的室友"。 I mean you co
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the Ho
April 1, 2007 Dear Madam Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) Consistent with section 2105(a)(1)(A) of the Trade Act of 2002, (Public Law 107-210; the "Trade Act"), I am pleased to notify the Cong