尼尔·帕斯理查的博客“一千个美妙时刻”讲述了生活中许许多多细小的快乐时刻,这些时刻包括得到免费续杯和用上干净的床单。在TED多伦多站系列演讲中,他揭示了让生活变得美妙的三个秘诀(都以字母A打头)。It begins about 40 years ago, when my mom and my dad came to Canada. My mom left Nairobi, Kenya. My da
So I know TED is about a lot of things that are big, 我知道TED总是谈一些大事 but I want to talk to you about something very small. 但是我想讲一件微不足道的小事 So small, it's a single word. 小到只有一个词 The word is "misf
TED演讲之神童 伊娃·韦尔泰什对医学未来的展望(7)
And one article that really stood out to me when I was just reading about this, 一篇文献引起了我的注意,我读这篇文献, trying to figure out why cancer doesn't go to skeletal muscle, was that it had reported 16 percent o
President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Stanishev of Bulgaria PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. Prime Minister, welcome to the Oval Office. It was about a year ago that I had the great pleasure of visiting your be
President Bush Meets with President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt
January 16, 2008 PRESIDENT MUBARAK: (As translated.) I'd like to welcome President Bush here in Egypt, and particularly in Sharm el Sheikh City. It is the City of Peace. We briefed Mr. Bush -- he brie