本演讲 President Bush Meets with Cabinet THE PRESIDENT: I called my Cabinet together for them to get a full understanding of the extraordinary actions we've taken. Many of the Cabinet members are involve
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And yet, in spite of that, artificial life support has been successful. Barely a year after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, financial markets have stabilized, stock markets have rebounded, and the
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The most massive tsunami perfect storm is bearing down upon us. 这场最强大的、完美海啸风暴正在击垮我们。 This perfect storm is mounting a grim reality, increasingly grim reality, 这场完美风暴(指独立发生时没有危险性,但同时发生时会带来灾难性后果的事件组合)正在
President Bush Meets with President Putin of Russia at APEC
September 7, 2007 4:51 P.M. (Local) PRESIDENT PUTIN: (As translated.) First of all, I would like to say that I am very glad to have this opportunity to meet with the U.S. President within the framewor