I woke up and looked at my watch. Oh my god, it’s 7:30 already! I have to get up at once otherwise I’ll be late. Today I’ll take the Australian athletes as a tour guide around Beijing, and I’m going
But then in the apartment across the hall from this cow shed lives a newly married couple in what locals describe as one of the nicest apartments in the area. 不过从这个牛棚穿过楼道的这个公寓住着一对新婚的夫妻,这里被当地人形容为当地最好的一
Vice President Joe Biden: “Time to put middle class front and center”
Time to put middle class front and centerBy Vice President Joe BidenJanuary 30, 2009 For years, we had a White House that failed to put the middle class front and center in its economic policies. Pres
Message by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on International Migrants Day 2016
联合国秘书长潘基文在国际移民日上的致辞(中英对照版) Message on International Migrants Day 国际移民日致辞 18 December 2016 2016年12月18日 This has been another turbulent year for refugees and migrants. We have seen the continued devasta
Speech on Gratitude by Student
学生演讲特辑之三:小学生关于感激的演讲 Speech on Gratitude by Student If you woke up this morning happy and healthy,you are more blessed than the million who died last night.If you have food to eat,clothes to wear and a