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奥巴马每日发言remarks by the president at town hall(2009-
REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT TOWN HALL Concord Community High School Elkhart, Indiana February 9, 2009 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you so much. Well, let's -- everybody can have a seat. Make yourse
So, for example, in a distant era now, 比如说,在以前一个遥远的时代, it was common when one gave a speech to basically talk like writing. 当一个人作演讲,说起话来像在写作一样,是很平常的事情。 So I mean the kind of speech that you see someon
Maybe you've thought about them, too. 也许你们会有共鸣。 In this talk, I'll take you through the four main legal approaches 在我的演讲中,我将介绍全世界主流的四种与性工作者相关的 applied to sex work throughout the world, and exp
3.Address by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Conference of Heads of State and Government 北约秘书长长·罗伯逊在国家元首和政府首脑会议上的演讲 But I just want to say on this historic day that I do not regret a sin