You have a special dispensation 你们有特许豁免权 Now, graduates, I am humbled to stand here with all of you 毕业生们 今天我和你们一起 恭敬地站在这里 As an honorary Morehouse man 成为荣誉莫尔豪斯人 I finally made it 我终于做到了 And as I do, I
Ze isn't just a great public intellectual, he's also a brilliant community builder, 泽不仅是一名出色的公知,而且是一名优秀的社团组织者, and the community of people that built up around these videos was in many ways a communit
President Bush Announces Recipients of Presidential Medal of Freedom
October 29, 2007 President George W. Bush today announced recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Nation's highest civil award. Established by Executive Order 11085 in 1963, the Medal may
教育家Rita Pierson Ted演讲:每个孩子都需要一个冠军
丽塔·皮尔逊,一位有40年教龄的老师,一次听到一个同事说,“我的职责不是喜欢学生。”她回应道:“孩子们不会跟他们不喜欢的人学习。” 这个充满激情的演讲号召教育者们相信他们的学生并且从个人角度上真正建立起和孩子们的联系。 Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion 每个孩子都需要一个冠军 演讲稿中英对
Similarly, despite frequent warnings from the United States and Israel and others the Iranian nuclear program steadily advanced for years 类似地 不顾美国 以色列等国家的频繁警告伊朗一意孤行 多年来一直推进着核计划 But at the beginning of