After another two hours of hiking, the winding trail abruptly ended at a clearing, and before us was a mass of holes that could fit into the size of a football field, 又走了两个小时蜿蜒的小径戛然而止,我们面前的空地上出现了一大片坑洞
barack obama奥巴马演说集,由王瑞泽编译,译林出版社出版,共收录奥巴马激情演说十四篇(包含就职演说),是了解美国历史与现状、了解奥巴马心路历程的绝佳资料,也是学习英文及演讲技巧的最好范例。其演讲逻辑缜密,激情澎湃,震撼人心。 (奥巴马英语演讲及演讲稿精选汇总) 第一篇 the audacity of hope 有希望则无所畏惧 [查看演讲及双语演讲稿] 这是奥巴马在美国民主党全国代表大会
There is one corner, by the way, that I'm not going to tell anybody about, where the WiFi actually works. 但是,这个饭店里的确有一个地方可以无线上网。 I'm not telling you about it because I want to use it. 可我不会告诉你们在哪,不告诉你的
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Good morning.Ladies and gentlmen: 女士们,先生们,早上好: In the history of Olmpic Games,there have been many shining stars.Among them was a European girl. 在奥林匹克运动会的历史上,出现了很多耀眼的明星,其中有个欧洲的女孩. With the elapse of t