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奥普拉.温弗瑞在哈佛大学2013届毕业典礼上的演讲,温弗瑞用了许多励志的话语鼓励这批2013年毕业的学生,她希望能带给大学生鼓舞,鼓舞所有曾感到卑微、弱势或生活一片狼藉的人。人生唯一目标就是做真实的自己,失败只是一个新的开始。 奥普拉2013哈佛大学毕业典礼英语演讲稿: Oh my goodness! I'm at Harvard! Wow! To President Faust, my fell
Thank you. Thank you very much, Ian. Thanks for that introduction. Thank you for the welcome. It's great to be back in Birmingham, great to be with you at PwC. And, as Ian has just said, we've
And that motivates me. 正是这些激励了我. So it's up to you to widen your circle of concern. 你们需要拓宽自己关怀的范围. To care about justice for everybody, white, black and brown. 关心所有人的正义 无论白人 黑人 还是棕色人种. Everybody.
So, so far I've talked about rules for insects and for fish and for robots, 那么到目前为止,我谈到了昆虫、鱼群还有机器人的各种行为规则, but what about the rules that apply to our own human collective? 但是那些适用于人类集体的规则呢? And the las