Once when he was eating his contraband ramen 有一次 他正在无照小摊旁边吃面 next to the vendor, police started chasing the vendors and all the customers 警察来了 开始驱赶小摊贩和顾客 But my father told me 但我的父亲告诉我 that as he was
奥巴马演讲:Decking the Halls of the White House
Nearly every day this month, streams of visitors pass through the White House doors to get a firsthand glimpse of the holiday decorations dressing the Executive Residence. By the end of the holiday se
My lab got our first indication of this when actually we were studying non-human primates. 我的实验室在研究非人类--灵长类动物时,第一次发现了这个征兆。 We wanted to find out what happens to a monkey's microbiome when they move fr
美国驻华大使骆家辉及其夫人李蒙就2013中国农历新年致辞。致辞演讲中指出,蛇年出生的人的标志是智慧和决心。与传统相应,随着美中新领导人一起铸造更强的亚太关系,2013年也应该是新开始的一年。 da jia hao! mona and i would like to take this opportunity to greet our friends here in china and our ol
You probably cannot imagine a world 你们可能无法想象一个 without texting, emailing, blogging, friending, tweeting, googling 没有发信息 发电子邮件 写博文 互粉 发推文 谷歌搜索 and yes watching YouTube videos 以及观看YouTube视频的世界 probably